Webschäfte für Dornier Maschinen (teilweise mit Litzen), neuwertig

Webschäfte für Dornier Maschinen (teilweise mit Litzen), neuwertig

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522 heald frames: Heald frames for Dornier looms, all in execllent condition, partly with heddles

a)       10 used heald frames, make Egelhaaf, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 240 cm

 Overall length 248 cm, package guided, 18 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (A1)


b)       10 used heald frames, make Grob Extra Alfix, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 260 cm

Overall length 268 cm, package guided, 18 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (A2)


c)        22 used heald frames, make Schmeing INT-STAR EXTRA, noise reduced for Dornier rapier loom HS/P type nom. width 210 cm

 Overall length 218 cm, individ. Guided, with PSL (pneum. Shaft lock), 12 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (A3)


d)       12 used heald frames, make Grob Extra Alfix, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 240 cm

Overall length 248 cm, indiv. guided, 12 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (B3)


e)       10 used heald frames, make Egelhaaf, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 220 cm

 Overall length 228 cm, package guided, 18 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (B2)


f)         12 used heald frames, make Grob Extra Alfix, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 240 cm

 Overall length 248 cm, indiv. guided, 18 mm pitch, 13“ heddles (B1)


g)       232 used heald frames, make Grob, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 220 cm

 Overall length 228 cm, package guided, 12 mm pitch, 15“ heddles (mobile rack/palett)


h)       78 used heald frames, make Grob, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 220 cm

Overall length 228 cm, individ. guided, 12 mm pitch, 15“ heddles (mobile rack/palett) -.


Abt. 60-70 disassembled heald frames, dito with side binders individ. Guided


i)         44 used heald frames, make Grob Extra Alfix SL, for Dornier rapier loom nom. width 220 cm

 Overall length 228 cm, indiv. guided, 12 mm pitch, 15“ heddles (B1)


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